Monday, November 8, 2010

Election Day!

I am most certainly not a politics person; I refuse to join any political party and I feel as though I am always picking the candidates I despise the least. But I do feel as though it is my duty to vote.

So, Mal and I got up extra early on Tuesday and drove over to the local elementary school in order to vote as soon as the polls opened, so mommy could get to work on time.
Of course she was an absolute angel; she was so good in fact, that I let her help me vote by using the touch screen. I'm pretty sure that is probably illegal, but oh well. I double checked the selections before I submitted them.
She even got her own "I voted" sticker, which I was planning on putting in her baby book...but, I seem to have already misplaced it....guess since it's politics, it's not really that important

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

Mallory got spoiled and got to go trick-or-treating twice this year. Here a shot of Mal (ladybug), Coop (Bumblebee), Ky (Minnie Mouse), Adam (Police Officer) and Katie (Twix Bar) trick-or-treating in Uncle Ry and Aunt T's neighborhood.

Sitting on the hay at Gummy and Pop Pop's house
My little cutie...

Wearing her 1st Halloween shirt...I'm so cute it's scary!